Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dies Iovis 3 Septermber Commands = imperatives


There are 4 groups or families of verbs in Latin. These are called "conjugations."

The "to -form" of a verb [to walk, to love, to sit, to stand, to... ] is called the infinitive form.  It looks like this:

ambulARE     TO WALK

movĒre (e is long).  TO MOVE

surgERE (e is short)    TO RISE, GET UP             NOTE: THESE INFINITIVES ALL                                                                                        END  IN -RE


To find the stem of a verb, the root element to which different endings are attached, one simply removes the -RE from the infinitive. 

The infinitive helps you determine the conjugation to which a verb belongs. 

1st  conjugation infinitive ends in -ARE         AMBULA

2nd conjugation ends in ERE (e is long)      MOVĒ

3rd conjugation ends in ERE (e is short)       SURGE

4th conjugation ends in IRE                          AUDI

The stem is also the singular command form.  Now watch this video:

Practice commands with Quizlet

Friday, August 28, 2020

Dies Veneris (day of Venus-Friday) 28 Augustus

 EQ. What English words are related to the Latin words we are looking at today?

Bellringer: Copy the following words.

caput - head

umeri - shoulders

genua - knees

digiti - toes

omnes - everyone

ita, sic - yes

minime - no

More on Caput, Umeri, Genua Digiti

Homework: Study the slides that the link above takes you too. Fill out the personal inventory.  You may do this either on the document (download, save a copy, insert answers, upload to you Latin I Google Drive). If you cannot insert your own text, type the answers in a Word or Google Doc and upload this. 

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Discipulus Illustris (Distinquished Student)

Some of you have already done some work on this, using the Slides to write in Latin about yourselves. Today we are going to use them to find out about each other and to give you a chance to make progress in understanding the questions and answering in Latin. 

At least once a week a student will be chosen to present themselves to the class using the questions and answers on the slides and, if desired, to add some new things about yourself. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

24 Augustus 2020 Dies Lunae - Wildebeest - a less simple version of the story

 Bellringer: Copy these forms of the verb to be (esse) in the present tense"

sum - I am                        sumus - we are

es                                      estis - y'all are, you plural are

est                                     sunt -  they are

Read the story then answer questions on the the right. Submit your answers through the Assignment tab in Canvas.  Remember:

ita vero - yes

sic - yes

verum - true

falsum - false

minime - no

You can begin your answer with one of these words then finish it off with a phrase or sentence from the text itself. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

01 Week Conversation (Colloquium) Comic

 Here is the link to the Colloquium Comic. Colloquium means conversation. I have put words in some speech bubbles. I hope you don't simply use these, but instead look at the greetings materials we have focused on this week and come up with something original. You can also change or add to the figures on each slide. 

MovieTalk - Wildebeest

 Learning through listening and speaking. First watch this 1 minute film clip about two Wildebeests (bos, bovis -a type of African oxen) on a river bank, trying to decide whether or not it is safe to cross the river (rivus or flumen in Latin).

Put answers in your notebooks. I will create a space in Canvas for you to upload your answers. I don't think the page above is editable. If you find a way to do it, more power to you.

Latin numbers 1-10:

I (ūnus)

II (duo)

III (trēs)

IV (quattuor)

V (quīnque)

VI (sex)

VII (septem)

VIII (octō)

IX (novem)

X (decem)