EQ. What English words are related to the Latin words we are looking at today?
Bellringer: Copy the following words.
caput - head
umeri - shoulders
genua - knees
digiti - toes
omnes - everyone
ita, sic - yes
minime - no
More on Caput, Umeri, Genua Digiti
Homework: Study the slides that the link above takes you too. Fill out the personal inventory. You may do this either on the document (download, save a copy, insert answers, upload to you Latin I Google Drive). If you cannot insert your own text, type the answers in a Word or Google Doc and upload this.
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Discipulus Illustris (Distinquished Student)
Some of you have already done some work on this, using the Slides to write in Latin about yourselves. Today we are going to use them to find out about each other and to give you a chance to make progress in understanding the questions and answering in Latin.
At least once a week a student will be chosen to present themselves to the class using the questions and answers on the slides and, if desired, to add some new things about yourself.